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South Dakota The Other Sunshine State |
The Match-up Florida (where you want to move to) VS South Dakota (you don’t even know where it is)
Ok let’s begin! It’s Florida, the assumed best state to retire/live in by millions VS South Dakota a place most Americans have never been to and but there’s something about a big bunch of rocks there.
1) Quality of Healthcare Who Wins Florida or South Dakota?
We all want to know that we’ll be properly taken care of if we get sick, so which is the better state when it comes to healthcare quality?
Winner: South Dakota
What? South Dakota? They have doctors there? According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality South Dakota easily beats Florida (which scores in the lower half of all states). Score Florida-0 / South Dakota-1
2) Violent Crime Rate, Who Wins Florida or South Dakota?
I don’t know about you, but a best place to live or retire has to have a low risk of becoming a victim of a violent crime and becoming tomorrow’s news headline. Who has a lower rate of rapes, murders and other violent crime?
Winner: South Dakota
Unfortunately for Florida which consistently has one of the highest the highest violent crime rates in the US, this wasn’t even close with a violent crime rate about 50% higher than South Dakota according to the FBI. The score in now Florida-0 / South Dakota-2
3) Well-Being Who Wins?
Now wait a minute. Are you just making this up? What is a “well-being” score? The Gallop Poll people together with Healthways asked residents of all the US states about their emotion heath, physical health, healthy behaviors, access to healthcare and other questions to come up with a “Well-Being Index”. It’s another tool to determine where people feel they are experiencing a better quality of life.
The Winner: South Dakota (by a mile)
South Dakota ranked 2nd out of the 50 states, Florida ranked 30th. Don’t blame me. The rankings are a result of residents from all states answering the same questions. Score Florida-0 / South Dakota-3
4) Total Burden of State Taxes, Florida Doesn’t have a Personal Income Tax, Who Wins?
Nobody loves paying taxes, so which state takes more money out of its residents pockets?
Winner: South Dakota
Wow, I didn’t see that one coming, did you? Turns out South Dakota doesn’t have a personal state income tax either, and a lower total bite than Florida according to the Tax Foundation. Florida’s reeling right now, come on weather, when are we going to battle about the weather? Score Florida-0 / South Dakota-4
5) Property Crime, who has Less of it?
Violent crime is bad, but how safe would you feel about living in your home after knowing criminals broke in and went through your stuff? Again, I sure don’t want to be shot or stabbed, but I don’t want thugs breaking into my home or stealing my car either, so who wins?
Winner: South Dakota
Again, not even close with Florida having 50% more of this type of life disrupting unnecessary stuff, according to the FBI. This isn’t your grandmothers Florida. Score Florida-0 / South Dakota-5
6) Standard of Living
Florida’s sure going to win this because I think people in South Dakota still do laundry by taking their clothes down to the river and beating them with sticks on the rocks. Anyway, Gallop asked residents of all states if they were satisfied with their standard of living, and if the felt it was going to improve or get worse in the future. Warning to Florida-lovers who never lived in the state, a person’s feelings about Florida changes the longer you actually live there. Again, don’t blame me for their answers.
Winner: South Dakota
Residents in South Dakota scored in the top 10 in the nation at #6, and Florida, let’s just say they weren’t as happy with their standard of living. Score Florida-0 / South Dakota-6
7) Question: Is your state the best, or one of the best states to live in?
Alright! Florida’s got to win this, right? Because if you found this website, you’re probably thinking of moving to Florida and to blow all that cash to move to a state a million miles away, you wouldn’t do that unless Florida was the best state to live in, right? Surely you must think it’s one of the best. I wonder what people who actually already live in Florida and South Dakota think. After all, all of the people who moved to Florida must have thought it was at least one of the best places to live in the US before they moved, right?
Winner: South Dakota
Curses, those darn people at Gallop Polls are busting my myth that Florida is a great place to retire to or live in. Less than 50% of Floridians responded that Florida was the best state to live in, or even one of the best. More than 50% of South Dakotains (did I say that right? It doesn’t matter, they don’t have internet up there yet so nobody from South Dakota will ever see this) think their state is the best or at least one of the best. There’s more. A higher percentage of Floridians said Florida was THE worst state in the US to live in, than South Dakotaians said their state was the worst. Score Florida-0 / South Dakota-7
8) Weather, This Should be a No-Brainer, Right?
Now come on, Who’s got better weather, the “sunshine state” or some state that you never hear about, don’t know where it is and the main mode of public transportation is by buffalo.
Winner: _____ You score it after you read below.
South Dakota: 4 Seasons with cold winters. Florida: 3 seasons, winter (3 months and beautiful weather) summer (up to 9 months of hot humid weather with the air conditioner running full speed) and hurricane season (6 months per year)
Hint: Why do people move to Florida? For the weather. Why do people move out of Florida? The weather (and other things)
8) Which State has More Tourist Attractions?
Winner: Florida! Yea Florida!
The Points I Wanted to Make?
1) Florida is a great place to Visit
2) A great place to visit doesn’t necessarily make a great place to live.
Think you’d be crazy to move to South Dakota?
By Ron Stack
Then watch this short video!
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