Monday, May 30, 2016

Remembering Going To The Theater in 1966?

Aberdeen had many great theaters one could attend, including the Capitol, the Orpheum, the Lyric, and the World.  Unfortunately, they have gone away except the Capitol remains on Main Street, as strong as ever.  Who can forget Paul Guttmann Solomon’s father, Michael Guttmann, running the Orpheum Theater and Mike Baldridge was a fixture there as an Usher.  Let’s ask Mike Baldridge to share his memories from the Orpheum with us!

Orpheum Theater
Orpheum Theater

Lyric Theater
Lyric Theater

Capitol Theater
Capitol Theater

Michael Guttmann
Michael Guttmann

Mike Baldridge
Mike Baldridge

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my, what great memories. At Paul's invite, I began working at this landmark theater, early in our Sophomore year, for 50 cents and hour. This was enough for gas, clothes at Plymouth Clothing, and dates/gifts for Jan. Through the next couple of years, I was fortunate to work with some great people; Mr. Guttmann, Paul, Maureen Sauer, Sheila Sauer, Rocky Oakes, Mike Walz, Darryl Wetzler, Darryl Woods, Bob Wilson, and more that, unfortunately, I have forgotten.

There were many duties to working this enjoyable job; delivering posters around the downtown area in 30 below zero weather, making the delicious white popcorn, ushering patrons into and out of a movie, policing the balcony and back row seats (I'm sure some of you remember getting the flashlight shined on your face), and closing the theater at night. Closing was quite an experience. After cleaning the theater, locking the place up and turning out the lights, we departed through the broom/mop closet. This led us to a stairway, which led to the 3rd floor of the Radisson Hotel, and out the front door. I never quite figured out what those red lights, on some of the third floor rooms, were for. Darryl Woods explained it to me once. Thanks, Darryl.

This was a great memory in my life. Thanks for letting me share it with you.

Mike Baldridge