Thursday, May 26, 2016

Faculty Flashbacks: Cletus Noecker, Modern Problems, Journalism, Student Senate

Because many of you have mentioned Cletus Noecker in your comments about others, we thought it was time to concentrate on the man himself. Modern Problems, Journalism (including the Blue & Gold and the Arrow) and Student Senate were all included in his kingdom, which he ruled with great authority. Noecker was famous for taking off his glasses every other minute to make a point, or call on a student or look concerned as he waited for someone to come up with the answer (as in the photo above). He pushed us hard to think and to find the right answers. Please add your own memories below.


Paul Schneider said...

Intimidated the hell out of me! Scared to death he would call on me, and of course I never did the homework so I never knew the answers.

David Carlson said...

I was in the Class of 1956 and am retired now. Was an aeronautical engineer, and worked on great projects like the Saturn V / Apollo and the B-2 stealth bomber. Clete was also young then, and I consider him to be the best teacher I'd had, including college profs for Engineering BS & MS and all the courses for a Geography MA (never did the thesis). I took two years of journalism and one each of world geography and Russian history from him. Russia was a BIG deal in those days. Yes, he could be intimidating. But he was also a teacher in every sense of the word.

I'd like to know if he's still alive; and if so, how to contact him. I've not been successful using Google or DuckDuckGo search engines. If you have any clues, please e-mail me at

Dave Carlson, Tucson Arizona